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Volunteer Could you be the Treasurer of the best radio station in the world?

Resonance FM (London Musicians' Collective Limited)


Posted over 30 days ago...

We seek a London-based Treasurer to join the board of "the best radio station in the world" - the pioneering, arts-focused, volunteer-led Resonance FM. Candidates from ethnic minority backgrounds are especially welcome.


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London, SE1 4YH

icon Expires

Expires at anytime

What will you be doing?

We seek a Treasurer based in London to join the board of our registered charity. It's an exciting time for us as we seek to equip new studio premises, formalise a unique AI-focused income stream, and negotiate grant applications to ensure the future of our project. We've recently secured three years of Arts Council England funding but need a clear headed financial adviser to help extend our work in volatile times for the arts and broadcasting. The ideal candidate will have an interest in media, the arts and/or freedom of expression; and will have an understanding of the multiple requirements of ACE, Ofcom, Charity Commission and Companies House (to all of which we are answerable). You will be joining a 75% female Board which includes professionals working for the BBC and The Sir Lenny Henry Centre for Media Diversity; and a pool of advisers drawn from HE, technology and environmental fields. People from ethnic minority backgrounds are especially welcome to apply. The Board currently meets monthly for 90 minutes with our three full-time members of staff. A full and detailed induction is offered, but for a start we would like to meet in person to discuss what we hope will be your vital role in this unique organisation.  Resonance is the Gold award winner as the Audio UK "Network of the Year", ahead of Sky News and TalkSport. It has been described as "the best radio station in London" by The Guardian and "The best radio station in the world" by New York's The Village Voice. It's a pioneering, arts-focused, volunteer-led broadcast platform with an audience base of over half a million. Highly Commended in the inaugural Diversity In Media Awards, Resonance won the Radio Academy’s Nations and Regions Award for London for three years running. 

What are we looking for?

We seek a clear communicator with a solid understanding of book-keeping, management accounts, cashflow and annually audited accounts to oversee and assist the work of our book-keeper and COO. 

What difference will you make?

The role of Treasurer is crucial to the maintenance of our charity and we're looking for someone whose analytical abilities and attention to detail are matched by an understanding of the shared vision of our many and varied contributors. We want someone who can recognise and advance the ethos of our amazing broadcast platform, which strives to give voice to the vibrant diversity of London's thriving arts and music scenes. Our activity is based on a notion of radical hospitality, access and collaboration. Resonance strives not only to reflect diverse contemporary creative practices and concerns but also to be culturally influential. Resonance is a testament to how artists can successfully organise themselves and bring into being an entirely new mechanism for creative expression as well as develop and nourish an entirely new audience, embracing and synthesising a variety of art forms in its championing of radio art and arts radio.  This is an opportunity not only to use your skills and expertise for the public good, it places you at the epicentre of one of the most forward-looking, innovative, radical and influential cultural and communications platforms in the world!



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