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Volunteer Trustee - Cirencester Food Bank

Cirencester Food Bank


Posted over 30 days ago...

Cirencester Foodbank is looking for new trustees to join the board and help us work towards a future where no one needs to use a foodbank.


icon Salary


icon Location

Cirencester, GL7 7BA

icon Expires

Expires at anytime

What will you be doing?

Overview of the role As a trustee you are responsible for the governance of the foodbank and setting the strategic objectives.  You will ensure that the charity’s activities further its purpose of relieving hardship in Cirencester and the surrounding area.             We are particularly interested in recruiting trustees with experience in one or more of the following areas:

lived experience of poverty or professional background of working in the field of poverty relief finance or accounting communications IT skills

Key tasks

To manage the charity’s resources responsibly, including ensuring the charity’s assets are used only to carry out its purpose, avoid undue risk and not over-commit the charity. To ensure the board regularly reviews its structures, roles, relationship to staff and implementing changes if and when necessary. To develop a long-term strategy for the food bank with clear objectives which can be monitored and adapted. To work alongside the Treasurer and the board to ensure the organisation’s financial dealings are systematically accounted for and on time, independently examined (on income over £25k) and made publicly available when necessary. To ensure the charity is accountable, actively complying with statutory accounting and reporting requirements and the law.  To ensure appropriate financial plans are in place for future budget allocations as well as looking after contractual agreements with external partners that award money for core costs and additional projects. To help promote the organisation to a wide audience of potential funders and beneficiaries and community stakeholders. To ensure the food bank has appropriate procedures to: comply with current legislation and good practice; including employment, health and safety, equal opportunities, safeguarding & GDPR compliance/data protection etc. To act with reasonable care and skill, giving your time, thought and energy to your role. To prepare for and regularly attend and participate in board and subcommittee meetings and any trustee away days. To provide ad hoc support to the staff team and volunteers from time to time. To act at all times in accordance with the foodbank’s trustee code of conduct.

What are we looking for?

A knowledge of and commitment to the vision and values of Cirencester Foodbank and the Trussell Trust. A team player willing to actively participate in several areas of the foodbank’s governance activities in a supportive and confident manner. A willingness to learn new skills and support the staff and volunteers Cirencester Foodbank is particularly interested in applicants with the following experience:

lived experience of poverty or experience of working in the field of poverty relief finance or accounting communications IT skills

What difference will you make?

By acting as a trustee, you are part of providing a vital support function in your local community, ensuring a dignified experience to anyone visiting or anyone who comes into contact with Cirencester Foodbank. You will be contributing to the foodbank’s vision of a community without the need for a foodbank.



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