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Volunteer Legal and Compliance Trustee

The Transforming Autism Project


Posted over 30 days ago...

As Legal and Compliance Trustee, you will ensure that the Charity pursues its stated objectives (purposes), as defined in its governing document, by developing and agreeing a long-term strategy


icon Salary


icon Location

Feltham, TW13 5AN

icon Expires

Expires at anytime

What will you be doing?

Ensuring that the Charity complies with its governing document (ie its trust deed, constitution or memorandum and articles of association), charity law, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations Ensuring that the Charity applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its charitable objects (i.e. the Charity must not spend money on activities that are not included in its own objects, however worthwhile or charitable those activities are) for the benefit of the public Ensuring that the Charity defines its goals and evaluates performance against agreed targets Safeguarding the good name and values of the organisation Ensuring the effective and efficient administration of the Charity, including having appropriate policies and procedures in place Ensuring the financial stability of the Charity Protecting and managing the property of the Charity and ensuring the proper investment of the Charity’s funds Following proper and formal arrangements for the appointment, supervision, support, appraisal and remuneration of the chief executive

What are we looking for?

Ideally, you will be a qualified lawyer practicing in the UK.

Working knowledge of Charity law and compliance. Strategic vision Able to exercise a degree of independence and act according to the law and their professional judgement. Understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship. Ability to work effectively as part of multi-professional team/ Board volunteers.

What difference will you make?

As Legal & Compliance Trustee you will ensure the Charity is carrying out its purpose for the public benefit.



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