JCI London

JCI London

Careers at JCI London

JCI is a network for young professionals in their 20s and 30s. With JCI London you can learn new skills meet new people and get involved in fun projects!

Why are we exciting?

We create leaders.

Junior Chamber International (JCI) is a voluntary, world-wide personal development organisation for young professionals and entrepreneurs in their twenties and thirties. The mission of JCI is to provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change.

Active participation in JCI provides members with the opportunities to:JCI Council 2014: –ã About us section photos –ã hiwot_opt.jpg

Enhance their career prospects & add new skills to their CV
Develop their leadership ability
Expand their professional and social contacts locally and across the globe
Increase their self-confidence
Gain practical project management experience in a safe and supportive environment

Behind the scenes