Read Easy’s vision is for all adults in the UK to have the literacy skills they need to realise their potential and live life to the full. In Read Easy we aim to:
recognise the dignity, present abilities and potential of those who can’t yet read, and seek to release that potential; put the Reader first in everything we do; make involvement in Read Easy enjoyable and rewarding for all; ensure that no one feels obliged to volunteer or to do more than they want to do; create a mutually-supportive sense of community – nationally and locally – which appreciates and promotes diversity and where everyone is known and everyone matters; provide, expect and maintain high standards of professionalism at all levels as a volunteer organisation; provide flexibility at local level, while expecting each affiliated group to be responsible for maintaining the Read Easy model; listen openly to constructive feedback and try to respond constructively; take a responsible attitude to the use of resources and limit our impact on the environment; recognise and appreciate everyone’s contributions and celebrate achievement.
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