International Futures Forum

International Futures Forum

Careers at International Futures Forum

IFF is a registered charity with a mission to enable people, communities and organisations to flourish in powerful times.

We address complex, messy, seemingly intractable issues – local, global and all levels in between – fostering practical hope and wise initiative.

We support people making a difference in the face of all that stands in the way of making a difference, rising to the challenge of the moment. We develop their 21st century competencies for thriving in complexity and their capacity for inspiring and transformative innovation.

We offer resources to support this activity through a thriving community hub, events, workshops, tools, processes, training and other online materials available in the IFF Practice Centre.

We work with governments, communities, businesses, foundations and individuals.

We offer people a space for reflection, thoughtful engagement and mutual support and we freely share the powerful ideas, tools and frameworks that result. We sustain all of this with a lean infrastructure, generously supported by members of our international community, occasional institutional donations, in-kind and volunteer support, plus sales of books, toolkits, development and other services consistent with our charitable purposes.

Behind the scenes