FILE foundation

FILE foundation

Careers at FILE foundation

Founded in 2018, the Stichting Foundation for International Law for the Environment (FILE) is the major philanthropic initiative working to tackle the climate and nature crisis by scaling up legal action globally. Driven by the urgent need to facilitate a global transition to a zero-carbon, regenerative society, FILE funds world-leading global partners to deliver pioneering legal and shareholder actions with the aim of keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees. Our grant portfolio includes workstreams that cut across global systems, including Just Energy Transition; Food, Forests & Biodiversity; Finance, Investment and Trade, and Governance, Rights & Justice. Our mission is to change the systems that are responsible for the climate and nature crises by ensuring those in power stop locking us into a high-carbon, destructive economy. We are committed to ensuring legal action can facilitate the transition to a post-carbon, regenerative society that upholds human rights and achieves climate justice. FILE supports the development of a strong, diverse, and empowered ecosystem of partners, enabling the co-development of strategy to collectively make a meaningful impact on climate change and the protection of nature. We seek to grow the field and facilitate the enabling conditions that lead to successful outcomes. This means as well as supporting legal partners, we support access to key research, knowledge sharing, strategic communications and campaign alignment and learning.

Behind the scenes