The Recovery Foundation

The Recovery Foundation

Careers at The Recovery Foundation

Recovery Foundation is a charity established, run, and benefitting people with Lived Experience of severe mental health issues. We work with people with the most severe experiences of mental health (schizophrenia, bi-polar, etc) including those leaving hospital. All our work sits outside statutory services (we don’t work with in-patients or people on NHS waiting lists). People leaving mental health hospital get little follow-up, and many don’t qualify for support at all. In the aftermath of a crisis, many are left alone and acutely vulnerable. When faced with overcoming and learning to live with mental health without support, people often lose hope. This can mean relapse/return to hospital or sparking other issues (substance abuse, unemployment, social isolation, relationship breakdown, homelessness). Driven by our community of people with Lived Experience of Mental Health, we have developed a programme of support for people with severe mental health concerns. Our main focus is to help people find, grow and sustain hope - an essential component of mental health recovery.

Behind the scenes