Tonic Theatre CIO

Tonic Theatre CIO

Careers at Tonic Theatre CIO

For over a decade Tonic has been at the forefront of driving change within the performing arts and wider arts and culture, supporting the sector to achieve greater equality, diversity and inclusion. Our mission is to ensure that the broadest range of people can have art and creativity in their lives, whether engaging as professionals, amateur participants, or audiences. We do this via our thriving programme of sector-wide projects, one-to-one support for arts organisations, training, events and the creation and publication of books and resources. Founded in 2011, we have successfully developed from an aspirational one-person start-up to a robust, mature charity which has steadily grown its income and workforce. We are now at a stage where we can further professionalise the way in which we operate and govern the organisation, providing a sustainable business model for our planned growth. 

Behind the scenes