Objects of charity
To prevent and alleviate poverty and financial hardship for healthcare workers across the UK who developed Long Covid during the course of their professional duties, whether or not they are still employed, by providing financial grants, assistance and support to individuals and/or other organisations and charities with similar aims. Raising awareness of Long Covid, its treatment, recovery and rehabilitation among health policymakers, healthcare providers and healthcare workers. Advocating for and making known to healthcare providers, health policymakers and other relevant policy makers the views and lived experience of healthcare workers affected by Long Covid. Supporting or carrying out research into the causes, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of Long Covid, and publishing the useful results of such research.
Definition: ‘Long Covid’ means post-acute covid-19 syndrome, where symptoms and/or long-term complications occur beyond four weeks from initial infection or symptom onset to include any post viral illness with a suspected or evidenced link to Covid-19.