Pennthorpe School

Pennthorpe School

Careers at Pennthorpe School

Pennthorpe’s aims and ethos are encapsulated in the following four strands; Inspire, Nurture, Build Community and Own Our Future. Through these strands, we will enable our children to give the best of themselves to the world, and to make it a better place. Inspire: Through our innovative curriculum and co-curriculum we aim to inspire creativity and enable every pupil to experience success. Be it in academic or co-curricular studies, Pennthorpe’s goal is to be a centre of excellence for teaching and pupil outcomes; to develop a reflective, lifelong learning ethic in our pupils, and challenge children of all abilities to achieve excellence. We also support all pupils and their families in selecting and preparing for the Senior School most suitable to their talents and ambitions. Nurture: Through our Pennthorpe Purpose, and our Wellbeing Curriculum, we aim to promote happiness and fulfilment; inspiring and fostering an inner confidence and mutual respect in pupils. We value each child, identifying and helping to develop each individuals’ strengths and passions, and investing emotionally in each pupil’s individual journey. Our goal is for every child to comprehend their place in the local and global community. Build Community: We work to build constructive relationships with local and regional communities, and aim to give demonstrable public benefit. This includes fostering strong, mutually supportive relationships with our parents, as well as with a diverse range of Senior Schools across the UK. Our target is always to attract, develop and retain quality staff, who are innovative, passionate and committed to applying their skills to facilitate excellent learning. Own Our Future: We will always prioritise our pupils in all of our decision making, and continually reinvest in our educational provision for their benefit. We also want to reduce the school’s carbon footprint, and embrace diversity within our community, with a goal to honour, accept and appreciate the uniqueness of everyone.

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