Age Concern Windsor

Age Concern Windsor

Careers at Age Concern Windsor

We help make life a more fulfilling and enjoyable experience for older local people by provision of services, and groups. We currently run a four day a week day service, weekly coffee club and a once a month Sunday Lunch, from The Spencer Denney Centre in Windsor.  As so many older people live alone or have trouble getting around on their own we have services that help them get out and see people while also putting on entertainment and activities that will help them stay active. The day service provides exercise, activities and a home cooked 3 course meal. There is regular entertainment and fun events for everyone.  For the more able we have a once a week drop in for tea, coffee and cakes, a once a month Sunday Lunch for over 55's and their carers or families and a once a month carers coffee morning. Should people prefer we can provide door to door transport for those within Windsor in our converted minivan, enabling all those who find transport difficult to come too. For many of the people who attend they live alone and say it is just so lovely to be able to get out and see others. There are a significant number for whom their carers enjoy a break from looking after their loved ones knowing that they are being looked after by us and it frees them up to do something for themselves.

Behind the scenes