Quiet Connections CIC

Quiet Connections CIC

Careers at Quiet Connections CIC

We help people who are quiet, sensitive, shy or experiencing social anxiety to make meaningful connections and find greater fulfilment in life so they can flourish as their true selves.  Because, as a quieter person, it can feel like we’re expected to raise our voices to match the louder, chattier people in the room to be able to form connections and let our voices be heard. All too often, perceptions of quiet seem to be equated with needing to build confidence and speak up to fit in. No wonder we sometimes doubt that we have what it takes to make the contribution we want to in the world! But it shouldn’t have to be this way. We wholeheartedly champion personal growth to strengthen our confidence, wellbeing and authenticity. But, we also believe that there should be more inclusion, fairness and equal opportunities in society for quiet people like us. That’s why we're committed to facilitating meaningful connections and contributions in ways that honour our quiet natures -and our regular Meet Ups and Coaching are two of the ways that we’re advocating for this change.  And you're part of creating a wider ripple effect of curiosity, compassion and connection...  Together, us quieteers are starting conversations around quietness, framing quiet in a positive light and promoting space and equal opportunities for quiet people to contribute in their own way. Because we all deserve to flourish as our true selves.

Behind the scenes