Gmax Trackstars Athletics

Gmax Trackstars Athletics

Careers at Gmax Trackstars Athletics

Gmax is a registered charity, non-profit youth sports program serving young people ages 6 -18, in the Lewisham SE London area with aspiration for National growth. The focus of the program is to promote youth sport participation in particular Athletics, promote healthy development in youth, and increase youth access to education and job opportunities in sports. Gmax has rented a commercial facility unit in Dragonfly Place, Brockley. Outdoor programs and workshops are delivered at Sutcliffe Park Athletics Track, Eltham. Indoor sports are delivered at Forest Hill boys School, Lewisham. KEYS TO SUCCESS

Pioneer in Cultivating an identity (brand) for the Gmax Trackstars business to change Athletics in a similar way other sports like Snooker and Cricket changed to make it more attractive and sexy to gain interest from sponsors and audiences. Pioneer in introducing. building and sustaining a commercial Semi-professional Athletics championship culture to standards that gets everyone to collectively buy in

Behind the scenes