Asian Community Concern helps the vulnerable women and women who are suffering from domestic violence and abuse. We build a relationship of love and trust with the women in need and provide counselling and advice to reach out the wider community. By giving training and skill education we empower the women to build their confidence, identity and self-worth and reach their personal potential to work. The service will particularly reach black, Asian and minority ethnic communities, refugees, asylum seekers, unemployed people, lone parents, people living with chronic illness, people coming out of hospital, older people. We run skill training and Health awareness workshops for Women from Ethnic Minority Community. The project will have sessions on women wellness service, confidential listening, English language courses, sewing classes and adoption of healthy eating. We’re always extending our work to reach out to those who are vulnerable in different ways. We’re here to be a place where people come to find companionship and mutual support. Outcome of the workshop is that people tend to improve their health and wellbeing.