Charlton Toy Library (CTL) is a registered charity, founded by in 1982. We provide a comprehensive support service for families living in the London Borough of Greenwich, supporting child safety, play and development. We do this through providing families with a place to come and meet other parents, play with their children and get advice, as well as offering a loan scheme for families to borrow child safety equipment, toys and books. We also provide a vital outreach service for vulnerable families living in our Borough, working with local refuges, children’s centres and in family’s homes. Our outreach service promotes the importance of play and helps families by providing tailored support and advice on the most appropriate toys to support their child’s development, as well as providing the toys and safety equipment free of charge. We promote the principle of play being a fundamental part of child development and aim to help ensure all children have access to essential safety equipment and play, helping to the best start in life. Last year, 278 families and 393 children benefitted from using our main services and outreach service combined. Our outreach service supported 140 children from 80 families, loaning over 800 different toys, games and books, 200 items of safety equipment, as well as providing Christmas presents for 38 children.