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Harlesden Neighbourhood Forum (HNF) was established as a Planning forum under the Localism Act 2011. It is a community-led organisation creating a stronger,better-connected neighbourhood by:

Being a community voice by involving our diverse population Enabling people in Harlesden to influence planning and community development via the neighbourhood plan. Exploring new infrastructure opportunities Pursuing community and economic development projects

The forum supports over 500 individual members and almost 100 member organisations in contributing to the community's vision of a better Harlesden for everyone to live, work, and enjoy. The objectives of the Forum are:

The prevention or relief of poverty in Harlesden; To develop the capacity and skills of the members of the socially and economically disadvantaged community of Harlesden in such a way that they are better able to identify, and help meet, their needs and to participate more fully in society; To promote for the benefit of the inhabitants of the area of benefit the provision of facilities and activities in the interest of social welfare for recreation and leisure time occupation with the object of improving their conditions of life; To promote high standards of planning or architecture in or affecting the area of benefit; To secure the preservation, protection, development and improvement of features of historic or public interest and public amenities in the area of benefit. In furtherance of the above objects but not otherwise the trustees shall have the power to establish and/or maintain a neighbourhood forum for the area of benefit to promote and or improve the social, economic and environmental well-being of the area.

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