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Our beneficiaries are state-educated students from the most socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds, including students from BME groups and UK regions that are the most poorly represented at Oxbridge, students on free school meals, and first generation to university. We provide a free 10-month structured academic mentoring programme for state school students aspiring to study at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge. We promote equality of educational opportunity by providing resources and equipping students with the tools to make a successful application to the UK’s top institutions. Our vision is of a thriving, equal society where every bright young person has the skills, confidence and opportunities to achieve their higher education goals, opening the doors to a future that reflects their talent, not their background. Since our programme launched in 2018, c.40% of our students who applied to Oxbridge secured an offer. This is almost twice as much as the national average (21%) for our community of interest. In 2022, 71% of our students received free school meals and 68% were in the first generation of their family to go to university. Each of our disadvantaged students receives approximately £1000 worth of mentoring (if they were to have accessed this mentoring in the private market). They receive this completely for free, delivered by our volunteer mentors. To date, we have delivered over £250,000 worth of valuable mentoring to our community of students. We want to utilise our growing platform to extend our reach into the most deprived UK communities. We then want to triple the number of young people on our programme, from 60 to 180 by 2024.

Behind the scenes