We are proud to be a Trust of Community and Church of England schools. We believe that we all contribute to the health and wellbeing of our communities, and we model this for our children. Our curriculum experience and life in school directs us all towards a better future. We live out our vision through our values of; Collaboration We are stronger together and draw on one another's expertise. We foster strong relationships in the interests of building community, locally, nationally and internationally. Humility We are reflective, open to learning. We take joy in the success of others before our own. Respect We foster the uniqueness of each school and seek to develop the gifts and talents of both staff and children. We promote respect for self, peers and adults, for other generations and for common courtesy. We see respect between adult and child as mutual. Inclusion We aim to foster a deep sense of belonging and see strength in our differences. We judge ourselves by the height of our aspirations and the breadth of our offer. Stewardship We are dependent on our world flourishing and seek to act responsibly with all that is entrusted to us as part of St Christopher’s. We know our roles as guardians of our schools for future generations. Trust We know that learning and growth are fostered when everyone feels safe and supported, comfortable in being authentic. We seek to be open and honest, acting with integrity.
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