West Smethwick Enterprise is a small local charity within the Birmingham and Sandwell area offering pre-school education and a wide variety of family support services in areas of deprivation. We recognise that to support families a holistic approach is key and allows us to develop greater relationships and as a result support children to develop to their fullest potential. This takes place through education and provides opportunities for children and their families to thrive. Our key objective as an organisation is early intervention. We recognise through our work and looking at research that early intervention and preventative work is more effective than trying to make changes later. Our vision and approach to this is to provide services to the most in need children and their families to achieve better outcomes and life chances for all. In doing this we bring communities together, building new communities in the process. Our developed and trusted reputation within the community has meant that our organisation and the places in which we operate matter to people. Our families recognise the support we provide and the welcoming environment in which this takes place, and value our place within the community.