Hollow Meadow is a three acre, south facing field in Stoke Bliss, Worcestershire, which has been managed for over 30 years to enhance its biodiversity. The meadow has developed over those years from being an overgrazed flood plain and bank, to one of rich floral diversity, enhanced by the appearance of orchids in recent years. The plants have all emerged from the dormant seed bank in the ground, with a little help from some yellow rattle to control the coarse grass, and its permanent residents (currently 2 sheep). Guardians of Hollow Meadow CIC (limited by guarantee) was registered 26 Sept 2023 to manage the meadow with the following aims: to enhance its biodiversity, secure its future and host small courses related to wildlife, crafts and well-being. During the planning of this we have made links and received offers of support from the following groups: Worcestershire WildlifeTrust, Natural Networks, Severn Rivers Trust, and Mens Shed Cleobury Mortimer. We are also in contact with Malvern Hills District council re their funding initiative Spacehive Crowdfunding which supports activities such as ours. The outline 5 year business plan is: Aims and Activities reviewed at the end of each year. Formal Steering group meetings quarterly. Eco-diversity - to optimise the eco-diversity on the site, for the benefit of the local community Sustainability/security for future - to transfer ownership of the meadow to CIC, for the long term benefit of the community Well-being and crafts, nature courses - to provide a site where courses are run for the benefit of the community, in line with the aims.